March 10, 2012

I've Done It Again

Do you do this? Sit down at the computer with one specific goal in mind, say to look up the weather report. Wake up the sleepy beast and immediately check email. Read email that leads down the rabbit hole that is the internet, for instance, Best Books of the Month from Amazon leads to a specific title about introverts and creativity, which leads to a review of the book and "similar" titles, which imparts the information that as an introvert you feel inadequate, which is news to you and gets your dander up, which leads to further research about society's view of introversion because it just might fuel your next photo project, which leads to your local library's websites to create a reading list of available materials for further research, and on and on and on. You're cooking, this feels good, you're working here.

And then you remember the taxes you promised yourself you would finish today. So over to the IRS website to diligently wade through about 100 pages of instructions to determine whether you are required to use the Straight Line or 200% Declining Balance method for depreciation (and coming up none the wiser, by the way), when you remember the laundry in the wash waiting to be dried. So, off with the computer and to the laundry room.

And there it is. Two hours after you first turned on the computer to find out if it's going to rain this afternoon or if it's safe to hang the laundry outside to dry 1) you forgot to check the weather, 2) the laundry is still in a damp heap in the washer, 3) the taxes haven't progressed, and 4) you felt like you were getting so much work done while at the computer earlier, but now realize you have nothing to show for it.

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