May 4, 2013


The green beans are getting leggy. The basil is just starting to sprout. The poblanos and cayennes don't look as if they germinated. Some red bell & jalapeno peppers have broken through the soil.

Our neighbors recommended a hidden greenhouse in the town to our north. Off the main drag, over the railroad tracks, down a one lane road, and there it is. Tucked away but bursting with happy, healthy annuals, perennials, hanging arrangements, ground cover, herbs, vegetables, and melons. Veggies $1.00/4-pack. We bought a pack each of cayenne, jalapeno, red bell, & sweet banana peppers. A pack of basil, a pack of rosemary, 2 packs of oregano, & 2 pots of lavender. 

We'll be container gardening again this year as we wait for the trees at our house to fully leaf out. Once we have our full canopy, we'll be able to determine the best spot for the future garden. Given the mole situation (and most likely voles, too) and the wildlife, we're thinking raised beds surrounded by a tall fence. I'm looking forward to finishing the house renovations and getting outside.

I had an idea to use old tires to build the raised beds. But, thankfully, the Hubbers knows the chemicals that will leech out of the tires, into the soil, and into our vegetables. Not good. So now I'm thinking perhaps cinder blocks covered (eventually) in mosaic. And maybe incorporate the bricks that have to be replaced on the back of the house. Unless those become a garden path. So many possibilities. But, at least at this very moment, I'm thinking something like this, as pictured on Sweet Moments in Thyme.

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