September 25, 2013

The Uppity Knitter

Yes, the uppity knitter, that's me. I feel I am getting above my knitting station in life. Because here I am dreaming about making Nanook when I haven't even reached, much less conquered, the difficult part of  Maude.
Nanook, designed by Heidi Kirrmaier
photo source:
In my defense, how could any knitter resist the suggested yarn, lark by Qunice & Co? Honestly, all their yarns are named after birds. It's meant to be, don't you think? No? Well, how about the fact that I have a basket just like the one used in their product shots? I could order up the yarn (I'm particularly fond of chanterelle [top row, center color swatch]. At least for right now.) and place it in my basket to ease it's transition from the Quince & Co. home to mine.
lark by Quince & Co.
photo source:
Sure, this is sounding a bit fanciful. But isn't dreaming about future knitting projects, yearning to make them whether or not one has the skill set required, irresistible? Irresistible, fanciful and fun to boot. Which is why I am now itching to try about 7 different patterns designed by Heidi Kirrmaier
PS It now occurs to me that chanterelle resembles the color I just painted the studio bookshelf. Funny.

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