August 15, 2014

Odd Bird, New Tricks

How long does it take to change?

In the case of the Odd Bird business card, change takes 4 months (and counting).

According to my files, I began tweaking my business card in April. I quickly got fed up with my own fumblings and enlisted the services of friend who is a painter, illustrator, and designer. I sent her copy and colors and she quickly came up with several options. Then she graciously allowed me to tweak her designs and bounce my changes back to her for opinions and suggestions. 

With occasional day long marathons at the computer making infinitesimal changes in color, type size, and layout, interspersed with weeks of forgetting about the whole thing entirely, I have arrived at the above design. Probably hard to tell, but the biggest arc of change occurred to the tagline. I admit, going from "handmade flights of fancy with an earth friendly focus" to "earth-friendly handmade flights of fancy" does not seem momentous. Along the way, though, many taglines were tried on and discarded to finally reach this destination (Including one tagline that required its own tagline! I know, silly, but I was stuck on it for a long time.)

So here it will sit for a while. Until I am ready to look at it with fresh eyes. Before committing to print (and spending the money to do so) and reworking this site and to match.


  1. Wow! I like it. I like it A LOT!

    1. Hey, thanks Xan.

      I hope the writing/publishing is going well with you. Anything to share?

  2. Hi Laurie, goodness I'm late with my reply! Sorry. Are you still popping in over at the GG? I've just gone 'live' this week with my blog ( Such a fun process and I'm thoroughly enjoying my little web-space. All is great with the writing etc. Thanks for asking :) How is everything with you?

    1. Hi Xan, I actually never joined the google group. With your prompt in mind, I tried to join a couple days ago, but the invitation had expired. Snooze, lose. Funny how familiar I am with that. Anyway, I asked Christine to send me a new invitation. So now I'm in! I'll pop over there soon to flatter you with how much I love theconsciouscaterpillar.

  3. Oh YAY! I'm so thrilled you like The Conscious Caterpillar, thanks Laurie. Can't wait for you to pop up over at the GG and I'm so glad you were still able to join with a fresh invite. Now... for me to pop over to your post from today :)
