August 13, 2014

Paint Quandary

It feels like I have changed my mind about how to paint our foyer, stairway and hall more often than I change my underwear. With the exception of reds, pinks and purples, which I do not care for in home decor, I have considered nearly every color and variation offered in the paint sample rack at the big home improvement store. Nothing has clicked. Nothing has inspired.
Here's some pics from before we moved in. This is the foyer pictured from the bottom stair. The front door is on the right, closet door on the left. Studio is straight ahead.
With your back to the front door, this narrow hallway leads into the kitchen. The world's smallest half-bath is inside the open doorway on the right.
The stairway is dim and gloomy. The upstairs hallway is even darker, with no windows whatsoever. Despite the harsh winter light that seems to fill the space in the pictures above, the sunlight rarely penetrates any of this space.

Until now I've been struggling to find a paint color that both brightens up the space and ties together all the other colors of rooms leading off the hall. Downstairs these include a sunny yellow in the studio and a calm underwater blue and dusty sage green in the kitchen. Upstairs we have an intense aqua, celery green, and warm orangey yellow. One color to bind them all? Not likely.

Today, though, I had an idea like a lightening bolt. Forget about tying it all together. Forget about brightening the space. Just have fun. Which, to me, translates to orange and painted decorations. What about two different oranges with stamped accents? This is the first and only idea that has excited me. But what to stamp?
Something like the border of this tablecloth from the SERRV catalog? I do love wood block printed textiles, but I think something less intricate would be better on the walls. Not finding anything online, I turned to my collection of pattern books.
I like the stylized thistle in this one and the acorns below.
Or how about the acorn form the orange motif at the end of these simplified leaves?
Or even simpler, the button-like circle at the bottom right?

Nothing may come of all this, I might change my mind yet again. But it is fun to imagine the possibilities.

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