December 12, 2017

Thinking Versus Doing

I just had a thought, seemingly obvious and simple, and yet it hit me profoundly:
Thinking about doing something is not the same as doing something.
Yes, we could associate this brainwave with the recent post on creativity and getting started. Yet, what prompted it was sitting on the couch, setting aside the book I was reading to scroll through Craigslist antique mirror postings on my phone, and emailing a few ads to myself. Then the brainwave hit and I realized what I was doing was a colossal waste of time and energy. Thinking about getting an antique mirror is not the same as taking action to get said mirror. Emailing ads to myself is another delay tactic on actually taking the action of responding to an ad, with the intention of purchasing the mirror in the ad.

Interestingly, to me at least, just to make sure I got the message, the next passage I read in Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés contained the following paragraph:
The stronger and more vast the animus (think of the animus as a bridge) the more able, easily, and with style the woman manifests her ideas and her creative work in the outer world in a concrete way. A woman with a poorly developed animus has lots of ideas and thoughts but is unable to manifest them in the outer world. She always stops short of the organization or implementation of her wonderful images.
Juicy, no? Certainly food for thought, to percolate in the background today as I make a concerted effort to create movement (aka progress) in my studio unpacking and arranging.

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