March 2, 2018

Motivation, Justification, and How

There's multiple, half-written drafts in the blog queue, but rather than polish any one of them up, what I really want to talk about is motivation and justification for creative work. And the spectrum of hows: how we psych ourselves out, how we undermine our creativity, how we excuse, how we justify, how we motivate, how we do it anyway, how we find joy.

These issues are never far from me, yet I have been particularly focused on (read: obsessed with) them for the past couple of weeks. So much so that I could blurt out volumes of rambling thoughts. There's just too much churning in the brain cauldron for little ole me to get it out into words cohesively. I'm going to take my own advice (such a taskmaster!) and think small. I plan to dump everything willy-nilly onto the page - just to get it out of my head - and then zoom in. Focus on one small part of the equation and get at the heart of it. Then focus on another very small part. I can't predict when this will coalesce, but there will be future posts about motivation, justification, and how.

I'd love to hear how any one or all of these things manifests for you. Until then, happy weekending, friends!

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