September 7, 2012

Assembly Line

A handful of trinket keepers in the works. Complete with their very own Odd Bird Studio labels, hand stamped on t-shirt scraps and sewn onto the bottom flap of the keepers. Still working on the Pricing Primer and trying to be smarter and more efficient with my time. The first 2 keepers, each made individually from start to finish, took over 2 hours (each!) to complete. Not profitable. The next 8 keepers I am batch assembling as much as possible. By which I mean complete each step of assembly 8 times before moving on to the next step. So, prep 8 t-shirt linings. Attach all linings to outer fabric. Cut out to match pattern. Sew ends on all ribbon ties. Attach ribbon ties to all keepers. Etc. Etc. Etc. This seems to be working out at a faster pace. The only glitch to this assembly line approach is using scrap fabric. Each keeper has a unique outer fabric which requires its own colored ribbon tie and own color thread for assembly. That's a lot of threading and re-threading the machine. Hmm, we'll see how this progresses...

The trinket keeper pictured above, all folded and tied with olive green ribbon, will be part of a door prize at the craft market. The keeper will contain a trinket, of course, a fabulous Buddha bracelet by RoCoKo. Find the market and possibly win a trinket keeper and Buddha bracelet at the Convocation Center, California University, California, PA, Friday, September 14, noon - 5pm & Saturday, September 15, 8am - noon.

Which brings us to the end of another day. Enjoy your weekend. 

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